2013, 2014; Meens et al

2013, 2014; Meens et al. against desmoplakin (a, 20 m (GIF 226 kb) 441_2014_2053_Fig12_ESM.gif (226K) GUID:?32614860-AAB0-4015-AF39-294DFA8A65E5 HIGH RES (TIFF 2713 kb) PIK3R1 441_2014_2053_MOESM2_ESM.tif (2.6M) GUID:?17DCB9B4-F8B4-407A-8BB4-FCC47F1E0E8A Fig. S3: Double-label, confocal laser-scanning immunofluorescence microscopy of cryostat areas through boar myocardium, demonstrating the specificity of the sarcomeric component, -actinin, for sarcomeric Z-bands and of striatin for the amalgamated … Continue reading 2013, 2014; Meens et al